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Designing Transit Anatomies

Bandra Metro Station Redesign

Architectural Design Studio
Studio 5

Metro stations built in Mumbai are derived from pure functionality and are usually alienated from the city’s urban density mainly due to its modular design. The academic bridge studio project is a reimagination of the proposed Bandra Metro station for the upcoming Metro Line 2B running from Dahisar - Mandala. Being an elevated transit station proposed in an already congested neighborhood, the proposal intends to respond to the various urban forces of the site and design a station that threads well within the fabric whilst acknowledging the transit anatomies that co-exist along with it. It aims to create an experience for the user, be it a daily commuter or a person walking/driving underneath the elevated concourse by effectively reducing the main bulk of the station with several formal and programmatic strategies.

Mumbai, India
- Rahul Gore , Jignesh Doshi &  Manjunath
Collaborator - Meet Mendpara

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Metro Line 2B

D.N Nagar - Mandala


Proposed Metro Station

Area of Study-
10 stations

Case for Redesign-
Bandra Metro Station

The new metro station added in the location becomes a crucial one as it sits amongst other transit networks i.e - The Western Railway on the right and the Bandra Bus Depot. The whole neighborhood creates a constant flux of passengers moving in different directions. However, the current proposal does not acknowledge the transit forces and sits on a narrow street with no release on the ends of the metro station.

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Streets impacted by the Govt Proposed Station - West Elevation 

Site Mapping

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East Elevation 

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The new diagram proposes a pivot from the original location. The changed location provides a much wider road of 36m and acts as a catalyst to de-centralize the movements of the passengers equally.


Beyond that, the new drop off location creates a scenic spill out near the Bandra Talao and provides a much needed open pathway for one to walk along the talao or to the Bandra Railway Station.

The diagram proposes a pivot  of location on the opposite side of the street

Complete diagrammatic process explaining the pivot, programmatic-formal strategies and the response to the various transit systems functioning along with the metro station.

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Structural Diagramming

Being a technologically driven project, the structural systems used for the project went through several iterations working with the spans, members required for the metro, proposed island platform and the overall circulation in and around the station.

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Pedestrian View of the Talao Ticketing Node and the metro station

 Passengers View before getting in the metro

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